Fabric Server Essentials [OUTDATED]

Fabric Server Essentials [OUTDATED]


Fabric server essentials


This mod adds the following commands:
- /spawn, /setspawn                           

Operators can set a spawn location with /setspawn and anyone use /spawn to teleport to that location.

- /home, /sethome                              

Every player can set their own home location with /sethome and teleport to it with /home.

- /warp, /createwarp, /deletewarp      

Operators can create and remove warps with /createwarp and /deletewarp and anyone can use /warp <target> to teleport to it.

- /tpa, tpaccept, tpadeny

Players can send each other teleport requests with /tpa <player> and the targeted player can either accept or deny it with /tpaccept or /tpadeny.

- /workbench, /wb

Currently broken, the mod will be updated with a fix some time soon(TM).

- /enderchest, /ec

Operators can use /enderchest or /ec to open their enderchest.

- /reload

Operators can use /reload to reload the settings


The mod has a few settings located at [YOUR SERVER FOLDER]/config/essentialsSettings.json

In the settings file you can change the permission level of commands and for the time between a teleport.

The permission level 0 means any player can use the command, the permission level 1-5 means that only operators of that level can use the command.


Teleporting time and combat time can be specified in the settings file.

When you get attacked you wont be able to teleport for a specified time.

Chat Formatting

Early versions of this mod had chat formatting, but since v1.1.3 this has been moved to a separate mod called Custom Text & Tablist, also available on curseforge.


- Add ignore command

- Add vanish command

- Cancel Teleporting if the player moves

- Add invsee command

- Add multiple homes

- Support player nametag formatting

- Add aliases for commands like /gamemode creative

- Maybe /Hat?


You can contact me on curseforge or on discord at Simon_#0204 if you have any issues or have a feature request.