Fabulous Clouds [FABRIC]

Fabulous Clouds [FABRIC]


Fabulous Clouds

Fabulous Clouds is my first mod. The concept for Fabulous Clouds came when I got bedrock edition and realised that the clouds tinted during sunrise and sunset. I wanted to add this ingame, but I also wanted to do more with clouds than just this so I decided to add cloud layers too, and give people the ability to add their own cloud layers. Fabulous Clouds is entirely client side so you could use it on a server without everyone having to download the mod. Fabulous Clouds is compatible with Sodium and works on the 1.18 experimental snapshots.

Fabulous Clouds has 3 major features: vibrant clouds, customizable cloud layers, and procedurally generated cloud covers. Vibrant clouds make the clouds change color in sunrise/sunset similar to bedrock edition. Procedural cloud covers change how the clouds are shaped over time based on three presets: Clear, Normal, and Cloudy. Cloud layers be changed in the .minecraft/config/fabulous-clouds config file:

json { "vibrant_clouds": true, "vibrance_intensity": 1.0, "enable_default_cloud_layer": true, "cloud_layers": [ { "offset": 64.0, "scale": 1.25, "speed": -1.0 } ] "noise_clouds": true, "debug_noise_clouds": false, "offset_cloud_rendering": false }

This example enables the default vanilla cloud layer and adds a cloud layer 64 blocks above normal cloud height. The negative speed means it will go in the opposite direction to the default cloud layer. Cloud layers all have an offset, scale and speed:

  • offset is how many blocks above or below cloud height the layer is positioned. (default 0.0)

  • scale is how big the cloud layer is. (default 1.0)

  • speed is how fast the cloud layer moves. (default 1.0)

You can find more information about the config in the wiki.