Fabulous Clouds [FABRIC]

Fabulous Clouds [FABRIC]


Noticable performance drop when clouds are enabled

magneticflux- opened this issue ยท 0 comments


With clouds (130-140fps):
2021-08-25_00 02 27
Without clouds (160-170fps):
2021-08-25_00 02 03

I use a 165hz monitor, so I did actually notice this without checking F3 ๐Ÿ˜†

I see you draw each face individually like in Vanilla: https://github.com/misterslime/fabulousclouds-fabric/blob/300f6504e2dbc1291e387eee6c43d27258077e6f/src/main/java/net/misterslime/fabulousclouds/mixin/MixinLevelRenderer.java#L213-L214

Perhaps you could perform some meshing to reduce the amount of vertices rendered? You could even write your own shader that only uses 2 bits per vertex and a global color to control the different directional colors. It might even be faster than Vanilla cloud rendering at that point!