- 1
.ogg support for menu music
#134 opened by BBoldt - 4
Unable to open GUI
#135 opened by CaptJack2883 - 1
Fabric 1.16.5 don`t start
#136 opened by Nidre - 2
Can't move Mod Menu button
#137 opened by rbits0 - 2
Right Click on more things
#138 opened by kreezxil - 8
Crash with immersive portals. [FABRIC]
#139 opened by eConnah - 1
Add the option for a delay appearance for splash text
#140 opened by Owehttamy - 3
Dark overlay in Main Menu 1.12.2
#141 opened by LabsZero - 3
[1.16.5] Custom title/icon crash on MacOS
#142 opened by KR33PYK1NG - 17
FancyMenu loads dynamicregistries too early
#143 opened by koderian - 1
Fade in buttons
#144 opened by machinesmith42 - 1
Cache loading to speed up launching
#145 opened by machinesmith42 - 2
1.16.5 crash on singleplayer menu open
#146 opened by AlexTheDolphin0 - 1
[FEATURE] Easing and Interpolation
#147 opened by mempler - 2
Game crashes while loading with RandomPatches
#148 opened by Duatao7055 - 1
customizing the "More World Options" doesn't work properly
#149 opened by Wedge1453 - 4
Main Menu Crash
#150 opened by BatteryVoltic - 6
custom window title not working in latest version (custom icon works tho)
#151 opened by Wedge1453 - 1
[1.16.5-Forge] Crash with the mod Chisels And Bits when opening the Iron Chisel GUI.
#152 opened by Gbergz - 5
Animations are not being detected at all
#153 opened by scarha - 3
Client Crash and Playerdata corruption
#154 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 2
Crashes when trying to open inventory while using Carry On
#155 opened by ironsnake345 - 1
[1.16.5] Crash when opening inventory while holding entity using CarryOn mod
#156 opened by JaisDK - 4
[1.16.5] Crash while loading with Mac
#157 opened by ZephyrWindSpirit - 3
[1.12.2] Mixin or FancyMenu loading stuff to early?
#158 opened by Runburner - 9
The Pixelmon Modpack crash
#159 opened by srnyx - 9
[not caused by FM] Incompatibility with Quark?
#160 opened by AnAwesomGuy - 3
Music carrying over into other menus
#161 opened by Prodabic - 7
It doesn't load unless I press ctrl g (keybinding to toggle customization)
#162 opened by Elsie19 - 13
[1.16.5] Huge FPS drop / lag when going into the Game Menu (hitting ESC in-game), when customization of that menu is on.
#163 opened by Gbergz - 3
Allow layering buttons with images
#164 opened by Dekamir - 6
Exit world Button
#165 opened by WildTom1 - 3
Option to center button tooltips
#166 opened by kreezxil - 1
[FABRIC] Inventory HUD mod: Layout is unrendered after entering and leaving a vanilla gui
#167 opened by filipesn - 2
[1.12.2] Crash on startup.
#168 opened by LightDimf - 1
Button Label Text Alignment
#169 opened by RisingFireStar - 2
[FABRIC] Delay: off, but Automatic Button Click
#170 opened by ArkQuark - 7
Game crash NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/gui/GuiButtonLanguage
#171 opened by MetaverseRPN - 3
Change Resource Pack Button Action
#172 opened by guipleys20 - 2
[1.12.2] Crash on starting up
#173 opened by Landiie - 1
Advancements gui not supported
#174 opened by Duatao7055 - 8
[macOS specific, likely effects both loaders] Apple AWT Internal Exception: NSWindow drag regions should only be invalidated on the Main Thread!
#175 opened by cocona20xx - 1
Mute main menu background music while playing intro animation
#176 opened by tld2000 - 3
Labels get stuck on screen after closing the editor.
#177 opened by githubbingitup - 2
Game shows the background when escaping out of the config menu
#178 opened by Spiderfffun - 1
[1.17] Log Spam everytime I enter or exit fullscreen (F11)
#179 opened by Desempregago - 3
Option for making layout apply to all sub-menus (same as white/blacklist for universal layouts)
#181 opened by SpencerMeow - 1
FancyMenu treating different ways of dying as different death menus
#180 opened by SpencerMeow - 2
Menu panorama (vanilla) is accelerating strangely
#182 opened by Kaleidio - 3
Player Entities: Support for old 1.7 skins
#183 opened by ItsFaldo