![Female Gender Mod](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/1133/50/256/256/638693066509730010.png)
- 1
Chest not showing up on model despite the settings
#158 opened by DuckyyPond - 1
Opening menu crashes game and may invalidate player data
#160 opened by bagelBrain - 2
(Incompatibility issue) Show-me-your-skin, with - [Wildfire's Female Gender Mod 1.20.2-3.2]
#163 opened by Zorklis - 5
Crash on 1.20.2
#164 opened by sternschnaube - 4
No physics with armor even if setting is enabled 1.20.1
#165 opened by LenaTheDeer - 4
Server is missing mod?
#170 opened by Aceplante - 1
1.20.4 crash Apperance menu
#168 opened by Snaklilopin - 3
The BUG of extra hearts
#169 opened by An-thracene - 1
Is 1.20.4 being prepared?
#171 opened by verixyt3 - 4
Can you release mod version 3.2.1 to 1.20.1?
#172 opened by Silver00177 - 0
Female Hurt sound issue in 1.20.1
#174 opened by EgemenGotThis - 1
1.20.4 plz!!!!!
#176 opened by Pleni1une - 3
Idk code and an error happened
#177 opened by HELpfnjieowfnuio - 3
#180 opened by Smilerr - 1
I don’t know how to get jar file 1.20.4 fabric, give instructions
#183 opened by verixyt3 - 3
[Incompatability] With larger skin sheets.
#184 opened by Kat-143 - 1
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError when using 1.20.4
#187 opened by git-birb - 3
Player selection menu does not appear after pressing G 1.20.4
#188 opened by fnafmare - 1
Spams log when it fails to load other players configs
#190 opened by slushieuwu - 4
1.21 required on server?
#189 opened by Aceplante - 2
suggestion: the menu should open to configure another player when looking at them
#192 opened by nopeless - 0
[1.20.4 / NeoForge] Server crashes upon player teleporting
#194 opened by BluSunrize - 2
When will the mod for version 1.21 be released?
#193 opened by lapa3228 - 2
Fabric 1.20.1 Version not included?
#199 opened by arcade-smasher - 1
Gender mod is NOT comply with 3d skin layers mod (Minecraft 1.20)
#195 opened by ReaZolD - 0
plz 1.21!!!
#196 opened by SPAWNRYS-ban - 8
resource pack audio is played with female hurt sound
#198 opened by GreenDude-2009 - 1
Incompatible with SkinShuffle mod
#200 opened by arcade-smasher - 6
Config: hello?
#203 opened by Gogo-a - 5
1.21 problem i dont know
#204 opened by MaxTheBomber - 1
issue in forge 1.20.1 wildfirebreastpresetlist
#205 opened by destroyac - 0
Problems with Sounds in 1.20.1 Forge
#206 opened by MZZh1a2n3g - 2
[BUG] [Forge 1.19.2] Compatibility issue with Tinker's Construct
#210 opened by Bentcheesee - 1
crouching issue with breasts which go into belly and are not on chest
#209 opened by Raiflles - 1
(1.21) Breasts render with low light level compared to rest of model with the paper doll in the Legacy4J Mod.
#211 opened by JuniperIsSleepy - 1
Gender change for other players 1.21
#213 opened by TSB-inc - 0
How do I make the female hurt sound work?
#214 opened by Senkodore - 0
[Compat] Vanityslots
#215 opened by HazeWorksOnFiveMServer - 2
[Feature Request] Support every 1.20.x [Forge/Fabric] With the Same Features
#216 opened by HazeWorksOnFiveMServer - 1
nl_nl translation
#219 opened by PinguinLars - 1
Unable to edit other people.
#222 opened by RobinCrafter - 1
Crash on start
#223 opened by benio1394 - 2
Cannot hear modified female hurt sound on servers
#225 opened by Vensx - 1
#233 opened by WiekeWieke - 3
Is there no 1.21 update?
#253 opened by StarsShine11904 - 13
how to disable cloud on 1.21 version?
#259 opened by goddamntoaster - 9
Gender reset from rejoin
#260 opened by PengWanYT - 2
Issue with armored breast texture/model when using festive cosmetics
#277 opened by JosephG1thub - 2
Cannot hear female hurt sound on hypixel
#279 opened by Sormisty - 3
Wierd directory
#282 opened by PinguinLars