FGNTDWI (XP Based Loot Bonus)

FGNTDWI (XP Based Loot Bonus)


FGNTDWI (Fortunes Got Nothin To Do With It) adds a new loot bonus scaling system.

The Bonuses work like fortune and looting, but without the enchantments. You get a better loot bonus with more XP points.


You can also configure it to use the Luck Attribute or disable the XP scaling attribute. There are a few options relating the scaling, refer to the wiki for more info on the config.


This Mod does scale with fortune and looting but its main purpose is to get rid of fortune and looting in favor of leveling. This allows players to get better loot rates by playing the game and farming, rather than grinding at the enchantment table or worrying about not mining those diamonds until fortune is obtained.