Cannot play custom sound
Gakuto1112 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
For some reason, custom sounds cannot be played.
I made a simple avatar (attached to this issue) to test to play custom sound, but I could not play it.
@GNanimates GNamimates#2357
helped me to solve this issue but I could not solve the probrem in the end. Please see the #Rewrite Hellp Thread in Figura discord server for conversation at that time.
How to reproduce
- Use the avatar attached this issue.
- Playes a custom sound with a vanilla sound if custom sound works currectly.
At least, I could not play it.
- I give my self a permission to play custom sound.
- Sound from Otojin.
Ogg has a lot of different codecs, see
This issue is related to Minecraft using the codec "vorbis", while the attached sound uses a different, unsupported, codec
Seems like I was wrong and misjudged the issue too quickly
Since the sounds plays whitin resource packs just fine, that is considered a Figura bug
Is it possible for figura to give you an error if you use the wrong codec? Probably would help others dealing with this issue.
Maybe as an extra thing, lead it to a command that gives you more info on how to get an ogg file with the right codec.
unfortunately nope, as the sound loading is done internally in the minecraft code
the real issue is that the sounds actually load, however in game they appear completely muted