Filtered Hopper

Filtered Hopper



By entering a filter into the GUI, you can change what this block will be able to pull from above it.

Some notes:

  • The filter you enter must be Namespaced ID (i.e. minecraft:diamond) (You can see them in your inventory by doing F3+H and hovering over items in game.)
  • You can use * character to filter multiple items (i.e. minecraft:diamond_* will filter every diamond item, except diamond; and some_mod_name:* will filter every item from the specified mod.)
  • If you don't define a namespace (the part before :), it will be defaulted to minecraft.
  • You can define multiple filters by seperating them with , (i.e. minecraft:gold_ingot,minecraft:iron_ingot)
  • When NOT powered by redstone, it will allow only if the item is in filters. When powered, it will allow only if the item is NOT in filters.
  • Filters you enter affect both dropped items and, if exists, inventory above the Filtered Hopper.