Create: Fishing Bobber Detector | Automatic Fishing with Create

Create: Fishing Bobber Detector | Automatic Fishing with Create


While it is possible to automate fishing with create in a vanilla style, it also is complicated and easy to break.

But with this simple mod, its a lot more manageable.

It adds a single new block: The Bobber Detector. It automatically detects any fishing bobber in its area and outputs a redstone signal if a fish is being caught.
To help you with finding the right location it will also light up whenever any fishing bobber is in its range and inside water. 
If the bobber is not in range or lands on land it will not light up.

How exactly you setup the deployer and its logic, as well as the item collection is up to you. This is not a one block solution.

The Detector in action

Non vanilla bobbers can be added by third party mods with the forge bobber tag. 

Currently the mod itself also adds support for the Nether Depths Upgrade mod. So you can even automate your fishing needs in the nether.

The crafting recipe

Created to be used together with Create's deployer to create automatic fish farms.
- Needs create 0.5.1.a or higher

This mod was made with Modified assets from the Create Mod under the MIT License

Feel free to use this mod in your Modpack!