Flan's Mod Ultimate 1.1 Modified

Flan's Mod Ultimate 1.1 Modified


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在开始阅读前请注意:该模组目前只有 1.7.10 版本且没有升 1.12.2 的计划。

Flan's mod Ultimate 1.1 Modified (简称 FMUM) 是来自中国的 Flan's mod 全新分支,基于 Flan's mod Ultimate 1.1 (简称 FMU) 深度改造而来,拥有着大量的全新特性和高可玩性的枪械改造系统。注意深度改造后的 FMUM 已经不再兼容任何不是基于 FMUM 开发的枪包,目前可以在 FMUM 上使用的枪包仅有 八边形枪包 (Octagon Weapons 简称 oc 包) 和 逃离塔科夫枪包 (简称 eft 包)。此处提供前者的下载,而后者则需前往枪包作者 A1 人 在 MCBBS 上的官帖下载。另外在选择枪包时请尽量保证枪包版本与核心版本一致,由于 FMUM 迭代较快即使是代际之间兼容性可能也非常糟糕。

该模组安装方式依旧与原版 Flan 相同,将 FMUM 核心拖入 mods 文件夹并将枪包加入 Flan 文件夹即可。


以 oc 包的 HK416 为例演示射出一发子弹需要的流程:掏出一把 H&K416 D10RS (注意 oc 包本身并没有提供已经装好的整枪,如有需要请同时安装 Octagon Weapons - Default Guns)、一个 5.56x45mm 30 发弹匣和一些 5.56x45mm 子弹 > 将弹匣拿在手上并按住左键压弹 > 将枪拿在手上并按下 R 填装弹匣 > 按下 G 上膛 > 按下 X 开保险 > 按下左键开火


Before you start to read, please notice that this is a mod for 1.7.10 and there is no plan to transfer to 1.12.2.

Flan's mod Ultimate 1.1 Modified (FMUM for short) is a new branch of Flan's mod that based on Flan's mod Ultimate 1.1 (FMU for short) and comes from China. A bunches of new features as well as a highly customized gun modification system has been added to this mod. Take care this mod no longer support any gun pack that is not developed based on FMUM. So far there is only two gun packs that are playable on this platform which are Octagon Weapons Pack (oc pack for short) and Escape From Tarkov Pack (eft pack for short). Download of oc pack is provided here. But for eft pack you will have to download it on its author's post on MCBBS. Also notice that the mod core is very possible to be incompatible with a gun pack that has dismatching version due to the high rate of updating of FMUM.

The way of installing this mod is still the same with original Flan's mod: drop FMUM core into mods folder and put gun packs into Flan folder.

Someone can be confused with this mod on their first time playing it. So here is a little tutorial on how to start with this mod.

Take the HK416 from oc pack as an example, here is the progress to fire a gun: Take a H&K416 D10RS (take care that oc pack only provided the gun parts that are need to assemble a whole gun, if you need the guns that have been pre-assembled, please also install Octagon Weapons - Default Guns pack), a 5.56x45mm 30 Rounds Magazine and some 5.56x45mm bullets > hold magazine and press left button to push bullets into magazine > hold gun and press R to load the magzine > press G to charge the gun > press X to switch fire mode > press left button to fire

You can learn how to modify your gun by watching the video below. Other functions can be seen in key bindings.

其它资源 | Other Resources:

FMUM 国内贴 | Post of FMUM on MCBBS

eft 包国内贴 | Post of eft pack on MCBBS

b 站 @Sterix_Craft砹氪硒 录制的改装教学视频 | Tutorial video on gun modification filmed by Sterix_Craft砹氪硒 on bilibili

FMU 作者授权 | Permission of Release
