Flan's Mod Ultimate Stability Edition
Flan's Mod has often had a few issues with stability, whether crashing while spawning vehicles, or unexplained vehicle movements. This version of Flan's Mod is aimed at creating a stable and largely bug free experience for Minecraft 1.7.10. Few additional tweaks or features were added from Flan's Mod Ultimate/Flan's Mod Plus, but a lot of fixes were made to increase stability.
What is Flan's Mod?
Flan's mod provides a foundation for vehicles and weapons to be added into the game. By itself, Flan's Mod does not add any content. In order to take full advantage of Flan's Mod, search for content packs on the Internet, such as https://flansmod.com (only 1.7.10 packs are likely to work). After downloading a content pack, place it in your Minecraft installation's newly generated Flan folder.
Feel free to use the mod in your server/modpack/project. Make sure you are obeying the license though.
Will you update to 1.12/1.15/etc.? No. If you need Flan's Mod for 1.12, you can find it here. This branch of Flan's Mod is only for 1.7.10, with no plans to update.