Bug with weapons that load multiple shells?
Llalpaca opened this issue ยท 6 comments
With a weapon that loads multiple shells, BulletInsertSound, ReloadSound, and EmptyReloadSound do not work. This leads to it being (as far as my knowledge goes) impossible to have any reload sounds for these weapons. This is likely due to the behavior being changed and either not being finished, or bugged. Either that or I'm just stupid and can't figure it out. If it is bugged, it would be nice if you could possibly add an option to go back to the old way of reloading these weapons, and fix the bug. If it's not bugged, I would like to know how to properly add sounds for these weapons.
I'll look into it. Are you sure your sounds.json file is working properly otherwise?
Considering how I tried using the default sound and sounds that already were being used and worked with other guns (the fire sounds and reload sounds), it should be working.
sorry, I never got sent a notification for this.