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StickSound not playing
HighQualityCookie opened this issue · 5 comments
I am currently working on a grenade and I was wondering when the StickSound triggers, because I can´t seem to get it playing.
Here is the config
Sticky Grenade.txt
Thanks for the help!
This set of configs worked for me:
StickToEntityAfter true
AllowStickSound true
StickSound RPGShoot
Sticky true
Important parts are StickToEntityAfter, it'll only work with that mode - none of the other stick modes play the sound.
Is the sound being triggered when it sticks to a wall/floor, because then I still can´t get it to play.
Here's the full config I used:
////Name and icon
Name M67 Grenade
ShortName m67
Icon M67
//Colour in Red, Green, Blue, each going up to 255
Colour 255 255 255
////Item and recipe
ItemID 23857
StackSize 4
Model mw.RoundGrenade
Texture M67
TrailParticles false
//TrailParticleType <particleType>
ExplodeParticles 0
//ExplodeParticleType <particleType>
SmokeTime 0
//SmokeParticleType <particleType>
SpinWhenThrown true
ThrowDelay 10
//ThrowSound <sound>
//DropItemOnThrow <itemID.damage>
DetonateOnImpact false
Bounciness 0.8
HitEntityDamage 1
ThrowSpeed 2.0
FallSpeed 1.0
BreaksGlass true
PenetratesBlocks false
HitBoxSize 0.5
//BounceSound <sound>
////Detonation conditions
VehicleProximityTrigger -1.0
LivingProximityTrigger -1.0
Fuse 80
DetonateWhenShot true
Remote false
//DespawnTime 0
PrimeDelay 0
FireRadius 0.0
ExplosionRadius 4.0
ExplosionBreaksBlocks true
//DropItemOnDetonate <itemID.damage>
//Detonate Sound <sound>
MeleeDamage 4
HasDynamicLight true
StickToEntityAfter true
AllowStickSound true
StickSound RPGShoot
Sticky true
Tested on mobs and such. https://streamable.com/cn3i9v