- 0
Rendering Beacon Crash [Fabric - 1.19.2]
#80 opened by TheSaytron - 1
Red dye does not actually make 100 percent red paint. (Flat Colored Blocks, 1.19.2)
#81 opened by JAWredstoneguy - 2
Question: [FCB for 1.19.2] How to impregnate a roller with paint?
#82 opened by hoxqot - 3
Client crashing on 1.19.2 (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown recipe serializer flatcoloredblocks:colored_wool_carpet)
#83 opened by edukny94 - 0
Update to 1.19.4?
#84 opened by gobinator98 - 5
Update to 1.20.1 please
#85 opened by jghf1312 - 1
No Idea how to use the new version of the mod, color wheel gone, replaced with paint buckets
#86 opened by EmiiOFFline - 0
Crash on launch
#87 opened by KaiKingStreams - 0
Block crafter does not work
#88 opened by Moltresrider - 0
#89 opened by OmniNova - 0
Unplayable lag with flat colored blocks and chisel and bits
#90 opened by kyraiskool - 4
Generate a list of RGB and HSV value?
#59 opened by pneumaticLance - 1
I can't figure out what's wrong here
#60 opened by forestasog - 2
#61 opened by Dream-of-the-Phoenix - 2
How can I use with worldedit?
#62 opened by lucariothicc - 4
Hue shades values that are divisors of 360 (eg. 72) will crash the game during loading.
#63 opened by pressRtowin - 1
Can't get an even distribution of hues, saturations, or values
#64 opened by pressRtowin - 2
Config entry "solidCraftingBlock", multiple blocks possible ?
#65 opened by dariusfontan - 1
1.14 Port
#66 opened by kiritodragneel - 0
Dynmap rendering
#67 opened by krakah - 0
[1.12] ShowBlocksInJEI Not Working followup
#68 opened by mojoyup1528 - 0
#69 opened by AlgorithmX2 - 0
Grey or Gray
#70 opened by Feranogame - 1
Just wondering how to reset the FCB data
#71 opened by Jordan1159 - 0
#72 opened by thecrescentkid - 0
this issue was useless
#73 opened - 0
Invite you and your Minecraft Modification to introduce to the player/audience in Taiwan.
#74 opened by blacklunaer - 0
Can't add a new texture to Flat Colored Blocks.
#75 opened by PotatoBraelynnx - 0
Unintentional crafting
#76 opened by SouthernPixel - 0
Cannot search HEX color or RGB color via JEI despite the search by tooltip available
#77 opened by TheHudsonhawk - 0
Placing Issue
#78 opened by NoahLacks - 1
Version update?
#79 opened by RosaTheFox - 0
Can't chisel grass blocks
#41 opened by toriswaifu - 1
Version 4.4 for 1.10 doesn't work on spigot
#42 opened by hlhr202 - 2
crash on startup 1.12_2387
#43 opened by JasonKillsUs - 3
[1.12] ShowBlocksInJEI Not Working
#44 opened by SnowShock35 - 10
Texture bug with Ender Compass mod (1.12)
#45 opened by ImAK9 - 7
Crashes when opening creative menu.
#46 opened by nothinggas - 9
Stop glowing blocks from "glowing"
#47 opened by ResqDiver1317 - 9
Config file doesn't have enough information about each setting
#48 opened by Mario0051 - 4
1.12.1 - Crash with Chisel Present
#49 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 0
Allow Block Hardness Configuration Option
#51 opened by Boolyman - 3
crash when displaying FlatColoredBlocks creative tab
#50 opened by 0Navis0 - 3
Interaction concerns with Architecturecraft - Keep this open till its resolved.
#52 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
Forge freezes upon startup after installing FCB
#53 opened by jonathan-iksjssen - 4
Crash when loading creative tab
#54 opened by Austin5003 - 2
Add redstone-powered glow blocks
#55 opened by Fennecai - 4
No yellow blocks?
#56 opened by xAlicatt - 0
1.13 Port
#57 opened by AlgorithmX2 - 1
[Suggestion] Glowing glasses ?
#58 opened by HaniXP