Flat Colored Blocks - For Forge

Flat Colored Blocks - For Forge


Major Issue With Color Manager Still Present in Latest Release

P3rf3ctXZer0 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Whats this "ColorHelper"? I have no idea what that is, is some other mod trying to analyize Flat Colored Blocks and RailCrafts Textures?

"Resource not usable as image: railcraft:textures/blocks/manipulator_dispenser_train_1.png"

"ColorHelper.setBlockColor(pass=frameTextureData): Couldn't derive RGBA from BlockMD frsm:lamp:frsm:lamp[color=orange]
[01:41:30] [Client thread/WARN]: Texture was completely transparent for BlockMD frsm:lamp:frsm:lamp[color=orange]"

I don't know what mod is trying to read these textures, however in the case of FCB,
"Resource not usable as image: flatcoloredblocks:textures/flatcoloredblock_SEMI_GLASS_127.png"

Is because that file dosn't exist, FCB generates it at runtime with the proper transparency and adds it to the texture atlas.

This is a problem with some other mod, I know not which.


Check with the following - Railcraft - Journeymap and Optifine. I am not a coder just a debugger... and I am sorry for that. If it helps I can give you the modlist I am using or even a direct link to my pack :)


Seems to be JourneyMap, there are several logs and class that seems related. "ColorHelper_1_8"

with various logging inside of it

"this.logger.warn(String.format("Failed to use MaterialMapColor, marking block transparent: %s", new Object[] { blockMD }));" for instance.

I'd say that is the place to report this if its an issue for you.


Understood; thank you :)