Flat Tiles Mod

Flat Tiles Mod


With this mod you get 102 different flat tiles (similar to the official carpet).



Acacia Log
Acacia wood (rotatable)
Stripped Acacia Log
Stripped Acacia wood (rotatable)
Acacia Planks

Birch Log
Birch Wood (rotatable)
Stripped Birch Log
Stripped Birch Wood (rotatable)
Birch Planks

Dark Oak Log
Dark Oak Wood (rotatable)
Stripped Dark Oak Log
Stripped Dark Oak Wood (rotatable)
Dark Oak Planks

Jungle Log
Jungle Wood (rotatable)
Stripped Jungle Log
Stripped Jungle Wood (rotatable)
Jungle Planks

Oak Log
Oak Wood (rotatable)
Stripped Oak Log
Stripped Oak Wood (rotatable)
Oak Planks

Spruce Log
Spruce Wood (rotatable)
Stripped Spruce Log
Stripped Spruce Wood (rotatable)
Spruce Planks

Stone Types:

Polished Granite
Polished Diorite
Polished Andesite
Smooth Quartz
Smooth Red Sandstone
Smooth Sandstone
Smooth Stone
Mossy Cobblestone
Stone Bricks
Mossy Stone Bricks
Nether Bricks
End Stone Bricks
Prismarine Bricks
Dark Prismarine
Red Nether Bricks


All 16 Concrete-Colors
All 16 Terracotta-Colors
All 16 Glazed Terracotta-Colors (rotatable)

All Tiles drop them selves.

Languages: english, german

All tiles are made with the stone-cutter:
One block makes 16 tiles (thickness of tile = 1/16 block-hight)

The wooden tiles with "wood" in the name can be made two ways:
from a matching log-block (with rings-pattern on top and bottom) or from a matching wood-block (bark or smooth wood texture on all sides)
Because of this, log-blocks can give two types of tiles: log- and wood-tiles.
This also resambles the two different cutting directions of a log-block (horizontal and vertical)

Wood tiles (log, wood and planks variants) burn 1/15 of the time from the matching blocks, if used as fuel in a furnace.
So a stack of 16 tiles burns a little bit longer than the matching wooden block.
in this position in the code, only whoole numbers are allowed (ticks) so i only could divide the value of the full-blocks through 15, but not through 16.

Some tiles in the list above are marked as "rotatable".
They fit their direction with the player´s view while placing.
This can be used for cool symmetrical patterns or other effects.

Some tipps for using theese tiles:

Tables and desks:

This Screenshot shows some tables and desks, made with theese tiles as table plate
The big square-tables use 4 fence-poles / wall-pillars and 9 matching tiles
The small tables use one pole / pillar and one tile.
Wooden versions are good for kitchen or living room
Stone-versions are massive garden-tables
The desks use one fence-pole, one shulker-box (that opens to the front) as cabinet-part and 3 tiles (matching wood-planks-variant, or concrete-color of the shulker-box)
stairs from matching material can be plaed next to the tables / desks to act as chairs.
In the front of the picture i created a table-tennis-plate, that looks foldable with the tiny steps at the edges off the white center.
I also show here two different variants of legs for the table-tennis-plate: steel bars look very much like the metal-pipe legs of real foldable table-tennis-plates and if use end-rods instead, it emmits it´s own light.
The table-tennis-plate is made out of:
1x white concrete block
2x smooth quartz stairs (upside down)
3x white stained glass pane
4x iron bars or end-rods
12x lime concrete tile (from this mod)

Modern flat roof design

the left house is a plain variant of this idea and the right one uses end-rods as light emmiting pillars at the corners.
I use a similar concept on my game world:
I build a house. shapad as a giant statue on a 4 block high sandstone base.
The sandstone base contains the basement of the building and the statue contains more floors for rooms.
I used the tiles here to make the top of the base look like sandstone around the feet of the statue, while the inside is covered in white wool as wallpaper and matching ceiling.

For tables and modern roofs:
if a tile should look ilke there is nothing under it (one for desk, 5 for big table, 8 for table tennis, and the roof overhang) , use string below them (like creating a tripwire, just without tripwire-hooks).
In creative mode, you also can use barrier-blocks, like i did for the samples in theese screenshots (you can use a give-code to get them).


I also noticed, theese tiles can create a very realistic looking fire-protection-ground in front of a fire-place.
To make such a fire place burn, build it out of stone-blocks of your choice and put netherrack into the ground in the fire-chamber.
I used dark prismarine here, because it looks like small terracotta tiles, like this:fireplace with green tiles.