A Library/core mod built on Minecraft Java. Current versions are built on NeoForge.
- https://github.com/Lothrazar/ForgeTemplate
- https://github.com/Lothrazar/Scraps
- https://github.com/Lothrazar/TinyLightBulbs
- https://github.com/Lothrazar/ElementaryOres
- https://github.com/Lothrazar/SaplingGrowthControl
- https://github.com/Lothrazar/CustomGameRules
- https://github.com/Lothrazar/BlockyDoors
And more!
Use the libs folder in the repositories section of your build scripts as follows
flatDir {
dir 'libs'
And then use the blank keyword to add the version inside your dependencies block
implementation fg.deobf("blank:flib-${mc_version}:${flib_version}")
And then your gradle.properties file will get the version number set that you are using
Inside your minecraft - runs - client block in build.gradle, you will need this to avoid mixin errors
property 'mixin.env.disableRefMap', 'true'
If you want to rely on a remote maven server instead of your local libs directory, then with the repository
maven { url = 'https://www.cursemaven.com' }
You need to replace the latest file id (from the url of the curseforge file) in the right hand side in the dependencies section
implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:flib-661261:0000000")
And then add a dependency at the bottom of your META-INF/mods.toml page