Flint armor and tools

Flint armor and tools


I have never created a mod before so I thought I would give it a try. I want to say as well that at least for the tools I made the models from scratch.

The reason they are from scratch is because creating something easier like tools and armor helped me learn the process of mod making without stressing over too much. Though it's interesting that I have not personally seen any mod us flint for tools or armor. 

Quick tool-tip: MCreator uses 40.1.0 Forge for 1.18.2. It has been tested manually and download through Forge and through the testing the mod works 100% but as Minecraft goes with modding some minor versions may work differently then other minor versions.


The mod adds a full set of flint made armor and five tools (pick-axe, axe, sword, shovel and hoe).

No additional crafting materials just add flint in the normal crafting recipes, for example: 8 pieces of iron ingots would make a iron chest-plate so 8 pieces of flint would make a flint chest-plate.


-The tools are leveled at in-between stone and iron. The durability is set to last longer than stone but iron tools will last longer. The attack speed will be slightly faster than iron for the sword, axe, pick-axe and shovel just so it's not the same.

-These are the stats of the different tools: Sword- 5.5 DMG and 1.7 attack speed, Shovel- 4 DMG 1 attack speed, Pick-axe- 3.5 DMG 1.3 attack speed, Hoe- 1 DMG 3.5 attack speed, Axe- 9 DMG 0.85 attack speed.


-The armor are leveled at in-between gold and iron for armor rating but in-between leather and iron for the enchantment. All together iron has a enchantment level of 9, leather has 15, and flint is in-between that with 11.



To make it slightly different from other tools and armor mods, I wanted to add a extra neat item that I actually have in real life.

 -That item is glasses!

-Apparently making a item in MCreator that isn't the normal armor size is harder than I imagined so I know it's not perfect but I did try other variations and I thinks its funny.

-The item will give you +2 Armor and level 1 Luck when worn.

-Eye-glasses are crafted with 1 chain in the middle of the crafting grid, 2 glass panes on the left and right side of the chain and then 2 sticks above each glass pane.

 More information:

This is my first time working with MCreator and Block-bench ever. So the more I work on it the more I will get better at the programs. If anyone has any advice or any suggestions to add please go ahead and let me know.

As of right now I will only be able to work on open source applications so I can't do everything involved in mods but I can try out a number of things on any open source program to see what works and what doesn't for my ability.

My socials: My Twitter- Shade_Artemis, MCreator profile- shadeartemis,