Fluidlogged API

Fluidlogged API


Thebetweenlands root rendering errors.

Carvercarver1 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


It seems that with the Fluidlogged installed, Fluidlogged-API-v2.2.7-mc1.12.2, thebetweenlands roots (thus far) have this rendering issue. Without Fluidlogged, the roots are normally waterlogged with the swamp water, but with the Fluidlogged: it is either due to not specified fluid on my end, or because something broke with the rendering, but instead the fluid is not rendered and thus there are squares like so on the screenshot.

It is easy to check and replicate by installing both and checking the natural generation of roots in dimension or just placing them in a deep enough swamp water. Perhaps the same happens with the Life Crystal Stalactites but I did not check this one specifically.

Additional detail is that underwater roots that are specifically under the water are rendering fine. It is specifically when it comes up to the surface and touches the water surface, then it bugs out like so. Is there a fix to this, config or code-wise? I need to at least know if it is the API's or fault on my end.

2024-08-21_02 49 11

ID's of roots specifically for the checkup:

I attempted to bring them into blacklisted category and whitelisted one. Iether does does not work as needed for me.


This is a rendering issue from my end. Basically this mod's old FluidExtendedBlockState didn't expect custom properties to be set. This is fixed in the indev FluidExtendedBlockState though, so nothing needs to be done from your end :)

Btw adding underwater roots to the fluidlogging config (or making them implement IFluidloggable) won't do anything, because this mod is hardcoded to not allow fluid blocks to be fluidloggable (waterlogged water would be silly ;P)


Ah, lul. Well, good to know! Thanks.