Roguelike Dungeons -- Fnar's Edition

Roguelike Dungeons -- Fnar's Edition


Possible enchant validation prevents many Novelty items to get enchanted

KameiB opened this issue ยท 0 comments


If I use the RLD give command to get a novelty (for example Cleophian Digging Feesh), the item is generated but the enchants are not being applied. This can be verified using tools like CraftTweaker's /ct hand command.
Command used: /roguelike give cleo
RLD give command
Item info:
<minecraft:fish>.withTag({display: {LocName: "", Lore: ["Feesh are not efeeshent for digging"], rldLocLore: ["novelty.roguelike.cleo.lore"]}})

But for compatible items, enchantments get applied as expected.

If I use Vanilla /give command and manually input all the information that the item should have, all enchantments get applied and most of them actually work.
/give @p minecraft:fish 1 0 {display: {LocName:"", Lore: ["Feesh are not efeeshent for digging"], rldLocLore: ["novelty.roguelike.cleo.lore"]}, ench: [{lvl:10,id:32}, {lvl:5,id:19}, {lvl:5,id:35}, {lvl:10,id:34}]}
vanilla give command
Item info:
<minecraft:fish>.withTag({ench: [{lvl: 10, id: 32}, {lvl: 5, id: 19}, {lvl: 5, id: 35}, {lvl: 10, id: 34}], display: {LocName: "", Lore: ["Feesh are not efeeshent for digging"], rldLocLore: ["novelty.roguelike.cleo.lore"]}})