Food Expansion

Food Expansion


What's going on lately? (I quit modding)

There is so much going on with university, work and private stuff so I couldn't find the time to update my mods or even answer questions and private messages in the past months and therefore I think it's better to quit modding for now.

This unfortunately means I'm not updating this mod to a newer Minecraft version anytime soon.

If someone is interested in the source code I (finally...) put everything on github (See Source)

Feel free to continue this mod / integrate this mod in whatever project you want. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

If you look for a 1.14+ version of this mod, please visit Food Expansion: Reimagined by raulsmartin.

Food Expansion is a simple mod, which adds new food into the game. The mod is based around Vanilla Food and tries to enhance the Food System. 

Current Items:

Bacon and Crispy Bacon:


Food Points: 

Crispy Bacon

Food Points: 

Bacon can be crafted from uncooked porkchop and can be smelted in a furnace to get Crispy Bacon. Bacon and Crispy Bacon can be eaten much faster than other Food (16 ticks instead of 32 ticks). 


Fried Egg:

Fried Egg

Food Points: 

Fried Eggs can be crafted by smelting normal Eggs in a furnace. They haven't any additional effects.


Bacon and Egg:

Bacon and Egg

Food Points: 

Bacon and Eggs can be crafted by combining Crispy Bacon and Fried Egg in a Crafting Table. It has no additional effects.


Cactus Fruit:

Cactus Fruit

Food Points: 

Cactus Fruits can be crafted by putting 1 cactus in a crafting Table. They haven't any additional effects.


Green Jelly:

Green Jelly

Food Points: 

Green Jelly can be crafted by putting 4 Slimeballs together with 1 sugar. If you eat Green Jelly you have a 100% Chance to gain nausea for 10 seconds. Green Jelly can be eaten much slower than other Food (64 ticks instead of 32 ticks)


Chocolate Bar:

Chocolate Bar

Food Points: 

Chocolate Bars can be crafted by putting 2 Cocoa Beans together with 1 Bucket of Milk and 2 sugar. They haven't any additional effects.


Compressed Flesh:

Compressed Flesh

Food Points: 

Compressed Flesh can be crafted by putting 4 Rotten Flesh together with 1 sugar. It has the same amount of Food Points and Saturation as normal Rotten Flesh, but it doesn't give you the Hunger effect. Compressed Flesh can also be smelted into Leather.


Cooked Mushroom:

Cooked Mushroom

Food Points: 

You can get a Cooked Mushroom by putting 1 Mushroom (red or brown) in a furnace. It hasn't any additional effects.


Carrot Pie:

Carrot Pie

Food Points: 

Carrot Pie can be crafted by using 1 Carrot, 1 Wheat and 1 Egg on a Crafting Table. It hasn't any additional effects.


Carrot Soup:

Carrot Soup

Food Points:  (1.7.10) /  (1.8.9+)

Carrot Soup can be crafted by using 2 Carrots and 1 Bowl on a Crafting Table. It hasn't any additional effects.


Spider Eye Stew:

Spider Eye Stew

Food Points: 

Spider Eye Stew can be crafted by putting together 1 Bowl 1 Spider Eye and a fermented Spider Eye. If you eat this Stew, you will gain the poison effect for 4 seconds. (like the vanilla Spider Eye). But you will also get the Night Vision potion effect for 15 seconds.


Nether Wart Stew:

Nether Wart Stew

Food Points: 

Nether Wart Stew can be crafted by putting together 1 Bowl, 1 Sugar and 2 Nether Warts. If you eat this Stew, you will be set on fire, but all your negative potion effects will be removed. This item is more usefull than milk, because milk removes your positive and negative potion effects and the Nether Wart Stew only removes your negative potion effects. (Doesn't work with negative potion effects from other mods) Works in 1.12+


Blaze Cream Soup:

Blaze Cream Soup

Food Points: 

Blaze Cream Soup can be crafted by putting together 1 Bowl, 1 Bucket of Milk and 2 Blaze Powder. If you eat this Stew, you will gain the Fire Resistance effect for 15 seconds.




Food points: /

Dough is the only item in this mod, which can't be eaten (Well, because dough is not yummy). But Dough can be used to get bread a bit easier. Simply place 8 wheat around 1 bucket of water and smelt the products in a furnace to receive bread.

Melon Salad

Melon Salad

Food Points: 

Melon Salad can be crafted by putting 3 melons with 1 bowl in a crafting table. It has no additional effects.

Roasted Seed

Roasted Seed

Food Points: 

The Roasted Seed is a easy way to get early game food. Just put some seeds (wheat, melon, beetroot (1.12+) and pumpkin are supported) in a furnace and eat those yummy seeds.



Food Points: 

Craft Lollipops with 1 Stick and 4 Sugar. It's an usefull food source if you have a ton of sugar cane. Because Lollipops are very hard you can also use them as a melee weapon. It deals 3 damage per hit.

Forbidden Fruit / Starving Fruit

Forbidden Fruit

Food Points: 

Starving Fruit

Food Points: /

The Forbidden Fruit and the Starving Fruit are creative items and cannot be gotten by crafting. But, there is a config option to enable a Recipe (8 Notch Apples/Rotten Flesh and 1 Diamond Block) for each of them. If you rightclick with the Forbidden Fruit, your hunger bar will be instantly filled and if you rightclick with the Starving Fruit, your hunger bar will be instantly depleted. They can also be used infite times.

Beetroot Noodles

Food Points: 

Beetroot Noodles can be crafted with 2 Beetroots, 1 Bucket of Water, 1 Wheat and a bowl. They haven't any additional effects.

The Mod also adds in 9 new Mobdrops.

Mutton (1.7.10 Only):


Food Points: 

Cooked Mutton

Food Points: 

Mutton can be gotten by killing sheepSheep are dropping 1-2 Mutton on kill. Mutton can be used in a furnace to get Cooked Mutton. Both have no additional effects.


(the textures are from Minecraft Vanilla 1.8)

Horse Meat:

Horse Meat

Food Points: 

Cooked Horse Meat

Food Points: 

Horse Meat can be gotten by killing HorsesHorses are dropping 1-3 Horse Meat on kill. Horse Meat can be used in a furnace to get Cooked Horse Meat. Both have no additional effects.




Food Points: 

Cooked Squid

Food Points: 

Squid can be gotten by killing SquidsSquids are dropping 1-3 Squid on kill. Squid can be used in a furnace to get Cooked Squid. Both have no additional effects.


Bat Wing:

Bat Wing

Food Points: 

Cooked Bat Wing

Food Points: 

Bat Wings can be gotten by killing BatsBats are dropping always 1 Bat Wing on kill. Bat Wings can be used in a furnace to get Cooked Bat Wings. 

Bat Wings have a 50% Chance to give you the Hunger Potion effect for 20 seconds, if you eat them raw. The cooked variant reduces this effect chance to 10%.

Bat Wings can also be crafted into Leather, if you combine them with some Bone Meal


 Wolf Meat:

Wolf Meat

Food Points:

Cooked Wolf Meat

Food Points: 

Wolf Meat can be gotten by killing WolvesWolves are dropping 1-3 Wolf Meat on kill. Wolf Meat can be used in a furnace to get Cooked Wolf Meat. Both have no additional effects.

Ocelot Meat:

Ocelot Meat

Food Points:

Cooked Ocelot Meat

Food Points: 

Ocelot Meat can be gotten by killing Ocelots. Ocelots are dropping 1-3 Ocelot Meat on kill. Ocelot Meat can be used in a furnace to get Cooked Ocelot Meat. Both have no additional effects.

Parrot Meat:

Raw Parrot:

Food Points:

Cooked Parrot:

Food Points:

Parrot Meat is dropped by Parrots. They always drop 1 piece. Parrot Meat can be used in a furnace to get Cooked Parrot Meat. Both items have no additional effects.

Llama Meat:

Raw Llama:

Food Points:

Llama Steak:

Food Points:

Llama Meat is dropped by Llamas. They drop 1-2 pieces. Llama Meat can be used in a furnace to get Llama Steak. Both items have no additional effects.

Polar Bear Meat:

Raw Polar Bear:

Food Points:

Polar Bear Steak:

Food Points:

Polar Bear Meat is dropped by Polar Bears. They drop 1-3 pieces. Polar Bear Meat can be used in a furnace to get Polar Bear Steak. Both items have no additional effects.

This mod also increases the stack size of all vanilla and food expansion food items which return a bowl when eaten to 64. They don't need to much inventory space now. (1.3+)

Installation (by King's Tutorials)

Mod Reviews:

Many thanks to all of you guys! :)

You made a review but it's not on this list? 

Please don't hesitate. Just message me with a private message or a comment!

By Pixel wolf Gaming

By Zinconix35

By LessMrFoot (FootLess)

You're allowed to use my mod in your modpack!