Food Funk

Food Funk


What is that funky smell in my backpack? Food spoils over time unless preserved. Configure any item to rot, any container to preserve items.

  • Food rots over time. Make any item rot into any other item (or none at all) over a specified time (via configuration).
  • Preserving containers (Larder Box and Icebox) stop, slow, or even speed rot a specified amount. Add more via configuration.
  • Food rots twice as fast in the Nether - but strange things happen in the End!  Configure rot modification for any dimension.
  • Default configuration entries support vanilla Minecraft and other food mods.
  • Any item from any mod can be specified, and specifiers include support for tag names.

See the wiki for documentation.

1.12.2 only: 

  • Support for TheOneProbe and Hwyla/Waila.
  • Includes preserving containers Esky and Freezer from EnviroMine

Requires Wumple Util Library.


Rot tooltip

Freezer and Esky


My mods

  • Food Funk - What is that funky smell in my backpack? Food spoils over time unless preserved. Configure any item to rot, any container to preserve items.
  • Canny Composter - Compost more stuff! Turn excess organic material and rotted food into nutrients for plants.
  • Mega Map - Cartographers rejoice! Mega zoomed out maps - scales of 5 aka 1:32 and greater!
  • Web Slinger - Spiders shoot webbing at you - slinging webs from a distance, or when they hit you in melee!
  • Pantography - Copy Map item data to other Maps including different scale Maps.
  • Palimpsest - Erase Maps and Books for reuse by rubbing with Redstone Dust.
  • Flourishing Foliage - Can't keep a tree down! Tree leaves regrow outward after harvesting if enough tree trunk is left.
  • Saplings to Sticks - Strip saplings to get sticks. That's it - nothing more.
  • Daring Debug -  Do you DARE to see extra debug information?  Includes TileEntity and Tag information.