Food Funk

Food Funk


name match selector for rot timers

darloth opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I'm playing with a pack that has various types of salted food.

Since they're food, they decay at the standard rate, about 7 days - but since they've been salted, well... they shouldn't do that.

I'd like to be able to specify a name in the days to rot table with wildcards, ideally something like
and then have the mod pick up any item with salt, Salt, salted, Salted salt-cured ham, or whatever in the name, and not rot it.

Any idea if this would be possible? I'm aware that I can potentially find a list of specifiers for EVERY salt based item and do them all manually, and that would work, but, obviously, if this feature is implemented I wouldn't have to and that would be nice :)