Fool's Gold Adventure

Fool's Gold Adventure


Mod is still in developpement

This mod is based on the D&D Animated campaign on Youtube. Thanks to Dingo Doodle for giving me this inspiration. 

This mod includes 4 different structures, all spawning in the Overworld, with a 1 on 10 000 chance of spawning per chunk, with custom effect and wands (Still in dev). I am still coding on different aspect of the game. 

The mod is divided into 5 element : Air, earth, fire, water and light. For now, the light part is still in dev. 

Air : Gives no fall damage and permanent speed 2, Can be found in a Birch Temple
Earth : Gives you permanent resistance 3, Can be found in Dark Oak Temple

Fire : Gives you permanent fire resistance 2 and Strengh 3, Can be found in Crimson Temple

Water : Gives you permanent Conduit power and Dolphin Grace 2, Can be found in Warped Temple

Light : Still in dev, Gives you permanent Night vision, Can be found in XXX

If you see any unobtainable item, there is a fat chance that it is normal, it will be accessible in futur updates.