Forestry Engine Tweaker

Forestry Engine Tweaker


CraftTweaker additions for Forestry's electrical engines.

Currently supporting the Biogas Engine and Peat-Fired Engine

Biogas Engine

Calling the package

You can call the Biogas Engine package by using "mods.forestry.engine.biogas"

Add Recipe

 Adding recipes is done by calling "mods.forestry.engine.biogas.addRecipe(requiredLiquid, energyPerMillibucket, burnDurationInTicks, dissipationMultiplier)"

Where the respective types are: ILiquidStack, int, int, int

The Dissipation multiplier determines the speed at which the engine cools down, and by default is 1 for all fuels except water which has 3.

Remove All Recipes

Removing all recipes is done by calling "mods.forestry.engine.biogas.removeAll()"

Peat-Fired Engine

Calling the package

You can call the Biogas Engine package by using "mods.forestry.engine.peat"

Add Recipe

 Adding recipes is done by calling "mods.forestry.engine.peat.addRecipe(itemStack, energyPerTick, burnDurationInTicks)"

Where the respective types are: IItemStack, int, int

The Dissipation multiplier determines the speed at which the engine cools down, and by default is 1 for all fuels except water which has 3.

Remove All Recipes

Removing all recipes is done by calling "mods.forestry.engine.peat.removeAll()"