Formations Overworld

Formations Overworld

Large old water temple

Large old water temple

Remnants of an old tower

Remnants of an old tower

Mesoamerican temple covered in moss

Mesoamerican temple covered in moss

Bamboo hut in a jungle

Bamboo hut in a jungle

Tribal offering

Tribal offering

Strange temple between bamboo

Strange temple between bamboo

Degrading tower with some farmland

Degrading tower with some farmland

Abandoned raft near the beach

Abandoned raft near the beach

Campsite in the woods

Campsite in the woods

Village graveyard

Village graveyard

Deadly log spikes containing spawners

Deadly log spikes containing spawners

Cozy hobbit hole

Cozy hobbit hole

Protruding stone spikes rich of ores

Protruding stone spikes rich of ores

Small house with blacksmithing tools

Small house with blacksmithing tools

Meteor on top of a badlands hill

Meteor on top of a badlands hill

Abondoned birch wood house

Abondoned birch wood house

Small stone statue on top of a hill

Small stone statue on top of a hill

Shelter made from logs

Shelter made from logs

Magical tower belonging to a witch

Magical tower belonging to a witch

Overgrown fountain in the jungle

Overgrown fountain in the jungle

Field of crops

Field of crops

Copper spire in a savanna

Copper spire in a savanna

Small houses in the desert

Small houses in the desert

Old well with some horses

Old well with some horses

Wagon covered by snow

Wagon covered by snow