Updated 20 days ago
Created 8 months ago
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Foxcrows Title
Three foxcrows, one of which is flying and holding a cookie, are in front of a village planter and in front of an orange Minecraft font logo reading Foxcrows.
Two red fox patterned foxcrows sit in a mega taiga. The caption reads "Mischievous foxcrows have a love for shiny things and cornbread!"
A foxcrow digging up treasure, surrounded by dirt particles. The caption reads "Foxcrows will sometimes dig up hidden treasure..."
A foxcrow takes an emerald from the pocket of an angry taiga villager. The caption reads "...or steal it from villagers, and even players!"
Trading Rewards
Two images side by side, contrasting a happy foxcrow which has been given food in exchange for its item, and an unhappy foxcrow which has received nothing. The caption reads "Foxcrows like to trade for their finds, but become angry if given no reward"
Thievery Rewards
Two images side by side, showing an angry foxcrow which has been given nothing in exchange for stolen goods, and a happy foxcrow, which has received a treat. The caption reads "This can be used to discourage thievery... or encourage it!"
Foxcrow Biomes
A showcase of different wild foxcrow coats and patterns split by biomes, with pale foxcrows in the snow, red fox foxcrows in the taiga, and sandy colored ones in the desert. The caption reads "Explore new biomes to find different types of foxcrows"
Foxcrow Breeding
A black and white foxcrow and a red fox foxcrow, with a baby showing a combination of its parents' patterns in the middle. The caption reads "Breed for new combinations of colors and patterns".
Three foxcrows sit in front of a house, which has corn growing in front of it. The caption reads "Farm corn (and share it with your mischievous new friends)"
Tasty Treats
Four foxcrows sit in a taiga, tilting their heads at an array of food items set on the ground before them. The caption reads "It can even be crafted into a number of delicious treats for you to enjoy!"
Foxcrows Logo and Mascot
Pixel art of a red fox raven patterned foxcrow, sitting under the Foxcrows logo.