Frag Fest Mod

Frag Fest Mod


This mod adds all sorts of grenades to Minecraft. As of yet, there are eight grenades implemented, with varying purposes from barring a hallway, to pranking friends, to blowing up outposts hundreds of blocks away. Complete with crafting recipes and sounds, this mod tries to remain reasonably realistic, while allowing maximum fun!

You can find out more details on my blog:

This mod goes great with my UNSC Guns Armory, which adds lots of guns based on Halo:

If you're like me and skeptical of new mods, don't worry! This mod does not add any new blocks, or aspects to world generation. Just grenades.

Be sure to like/favorite if you feel this mod deserves it, and if there's something you want me to add/change about this mod, just comment on it and I will take your request into consideration.

The YouTuber Sorenus took the time to make a video on this mod. I am extremely surprised that out of the 119 curse pages filled with mods (at the time), he picked out mine. The video he made is very well done and professional looking. Thanks, Sorenus.

If you would like to add this mod to a mod pack, or to another Minecraft mod website, please comment on the mod's Curse page. The Curse page will always have the latest version.