


[Feature]: Multiple door models (and implement a separate handle)

darchitectlp opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Describe the feature

Carpenter's Blocks and BlockCraftery both featured doors with the handle modeled, which made them look much better when applying many different textures that were never designed with a door handle. They also offered multiple models for the doors and ways of coloring the individual sections.

See images under the "Usages of BlockCarpentry Tools" spoiler tag here:


I generally like the idea but I don't want to play copycat and just copy all the shapes found in BlockCarpentry, so I need to think of some way to make it at least a bit different to what BlockCarpentry does.
I'll look into it, no promise on the time frame though.


I generally like the idea but I don't want to play copycat and just copy all the shapes found in BlockCarpentry, so I need to think of some way to make it at least a bit different to what BlockCarpentry does. I'll look into it, no promise on the time frame though.

I'd say just making something similar to Carpenter's Blocks (1.7.10), after all, it looks different and it's a common inspiration. Plus, at least we can make doors out of cool materials


i like the model that is. a handle would give out secret base builds with a flat door model. or a door model with a handle would be added, but i think thats more fitting the planned Framed Decor


My implementation idea for the door handles would be the same one I used for the chest lock where you can toggle between default lock, camo-textured lock and no lock. This would be something I'd add to the main mod.

I do agree though that the different door styles could be better fit for the architecture-oriented add-on.


one thing could be too cycle through the different door types of minecraft after a block has been placed in the framed door, basicly getting the diferent window cut outs. could be interesting


That could be a viable option, yeah. I'll look into it


Block carpentry is not our mod too maintain. If you have issues with their mod i kindly recomend starting an issue page at their pages. We understand you and we have heard your request and its nothing we will be working on as off right now. There are other plans and fixes we have to deal with before this can be taken into consideration.

Also the issue with modders having problems with 1.16 and up is due too how mojang changed minecraft in 1.17 hence why no mods tend to back port and also have issues moving up new versions.

All in all, @XFactHD is a busy man. He works and is keeping this mod updated regularly, which he does with free will and spare time. This is so he keeps himself motivated. A hobby should never feel like a job. We are happy too see your love for his project and that you want more overall features, this encuraces us to do more which is a great thing but everything cant be done at once. So for now lets leave this convo open for future discussion of features, thx

  1. Another mod not being well maintained is absolutely not a good reason to just copy it. Putting your own twist on things is the name of the game
  2. I don't see how a config would help in any way with the "content stacking" issue as you called it. This is a not a feature that can easily just be toggled off or switched to behave differently based on some config option
  3. "Add this feature as soon as possible" is not how things work around here, things get implemented when I have the time and energy and the necessary ideas.
  4. Currently supported versions are 1.18.2, 1.19.2 and 1.19.3. Supporting 1.16.5 is out of question as the amount of (mostly very good) technical changes in both the base game and Forge between then and now have made the effort required to do that completely unreasonable

The other issue is this
zPglhp9 1

I agree with you except no one is properly upkeeping this and last not broken state was 1.16.5 (Future versions have many issues even block tick server crash issues.)


@XFactHD is working hours on his spare time too maintain this mod, he is in charge of what will be implemented. He has stated previously that copying someone else isnt what he likes to do. Try to expand your view about your issue, is there other ways it could be added and not directly COPY another mod. We talked about other options that would be similer. We do our best to satesfy everyone. This mod will also focus on the latest most played version off minecraft. 1.19.2/3 is our main focus. Backports is not on our todo list.


I want you to copy because your mod is less issue prone than Block Carpentry. Please add this feature as soon as possible. Its the biggest issue I have with this mod. More importantly Block Carpentry is not always kept up I would be especially grateful too if you could backport door based features for 1.16.5 also rather than worrying about content stacking just allow users a config toggle.