- 0
[Bug]: The name of renamed chests is not transmitted
#514 opened by Lolothepro - 0
[Bug]: In the sign editing menu, the text always glows.
#516 opened by Lolothepro - 2
[Feature]: Second type of threeway corners?
#517 opened by Tinyme3-1415926 - 0
[Bug]: Light block textures dont glow after world relog (worldedit)
#515 opened by VoidTest - 1
[Feature]: Framed trapdoor accepts trapdoors as camo
#520 opened by AlisonHuang777 - 3
[Bug]: game crashes when i hold out framed stacked slope block
#518 opened by Konasagi - 3
[Feature]: Framed Nook?
#519 opened by Flakxo - 3
[Feature]: Make Framed Tube's wall thickness adjustable
#521 opened by AlisonHuang777 - 1
[Feature]: Bushy slab/stair (plus verticals)
#522 opened by WorldsOfRosefire - 1
[Feature]: slab and stair pane
#523 opened by WorldsOfRosefire - 1
[Feature]: Data/Resource Pack to add custom models
#524 opened by WorldsOfRosefire - 1
[Feature]: Being able to turn the framed slope slab upside down
#525 opened by Lovatic123 - 3
[Bug]: ghostly world infinite corruption
#529 opened by Arch23-tech - 4
[Feature]: Make blocks with fluid camo blend in better when immersed in that fluid.
#526 opened by tomprince - 8
[Bug]: Framed pane is full Block
#527 opened by SugarDaddii - 5
[Bug]: Framed light sources do not emit light after re-enter the world
#528 opened by Fr44228571 - 3
[Bug]: Breaking a framed block does not drop glowstone dust
#530 opened by desagas - 1
[Feature]: Tool that stops block placement and only allows placing into framed block.
#531 opened by CanvasofSpores - 1
[Feature]: A half slope egde
#532 opened by TOBI6HANA - 2
[Question]: Framed Key
#533 opened by skinnypete07 - 2
[Bug]: Preview of Framed Blocks not visible with Shader
#534 opened by SugarDaddii - 1
[Feature]: Framed Corner Pillar Slope
#535 opened by Tbird2005 - 1
[Bug]: Visual Glitch with framed stone plate and water camo
#536 opened by tomprince - 1
[Feature]: Framed Slope Edge + Framed Slab Edge & More Divisions
#537 opened by KhayceLux - 1
[Feature]: 1.20.1 corner options for sliced stairs
#541 opened by RAM-2022 - 3
[Bug]: Unable to connect framed panels to framed vertically divided panels
#538 opened by michelle1574 - 1
[Feature]: Quarter Slab Division
#539 opened by kinzokudev - 1
[Feature]: Pressure plate functionality to regular framed blocks.
#540 opened by Sivok80 - 1
[NeoForge 1.21.1] `LevelRenderer` being unconditionally exported by Mixin
#542 opened by EnderTurret - 1
[Feature]: Texture offset for Framed Corner Pillar
#543 opened by MegaCornflakes - 3
[Bug]: crashes when used in prismmc launcher
#544 opened by kitkat390 - 2
[Bug]: Registry Object not present: framedblocks:framed_threeway_corner
#545 opened by johnellinwood - 1
[Feature]: Blocks offset by half
#546 opened by bha96 - 0
[Feature]: Framed Slope divided diagonally
#547 opened by Trinsec - 1
[Bug]: The Framed Blocks rendering is broken with the “Not So Mysterious Cube” block from “Applied Energistics 2”.
#549 opened by Lolothepro - 1
[Feature]: Framed Collapsible Button
#548 opened by AlisonHuang777 - 1
[Question]: update
#550 opened by lukas20wp - 1
[Bug]: AE2 Quartz Glass Block doesn't work with FramedBlocks
#553 opened by Lolothepro - 1
[Question]: Won't build at correct commit
#552 opened by carbonatek - 1
[Question]: How do I use patterns?
#554 opened by firelizzard18 - 0
Close, I was being dumb!
#555 opened by VsUK - 1
[Question]: place multiple frame block into one block
#556 opened by Untizio1160 - 1
[Feature]: Alternate texture application style (inspired by Create's "Copycat Step")
#557 opened by ZilverLazarus - 1
#558 opened by justsomebodynew - 2
[Bug]: Unexpected difference between camo for Framed Double Half Stairs and Framed Double Stairs
#559 opened by StupidUsernameRequirement - 0
[Feature]: Framed Divided (Vertical / Horizontal) Centered Panel
#560 opened by eSonOfAnder - 0
[Bug]: North and west face of mud bricks render incorrectly on certain blocks
#561 opened by Gaz492 - 0
[Bug]: FramedBlocks causes a crash with hanging signs (???)
#562 opened by Lolothepro - 1
[Feature]: Inverted Pyramid
#563 opened by eSonOfAnder - 1
[Feature]: Corner transition pieces between the different slope angles
#564 opened by eSonOfAnder