Framed Fences Missing Break Particles
WenXin20 opened this issue ยท 15 comments
I can't reproduce this.
If you have Sodium installed, can you reproduce this without it?
I'll give it a try. I also have diagonal fences installed, as the fence is the only one I've noticed missing break particles.
I tried it in a normal MC instance with DiagonalFences and can't reproduce this there either.
Ok, with only this mod, Diagonal Fences, and PuzzlesLib installed, and I still got the missing particles. No block is placed in the Framed Fence. Sodium was not installed. The bug stops after removing the mod Diagonal Fences.
I also realized that the block placement preview doesn't work when Sodium Reforged is installed, is that a bug?
Which version of PuzzlesLib and Diagonal Fences are you using?
The block placement preview not working with Sodium is a result of a crash mitigation. The hook I use to render that preview can't be injected when Sodium is installed because it completely overwrites the method I am hooking into.
Found this error in the log only when Diagonal Fences is installed.
Exception loading blockstate definition: 'framedblocks:blockstates/framed_fence.json' missing model for variant: 'framedblocks:framed_fence#east=false,north=true,north_east=false,north_west=true,south=false,south_east=false,south_west=true,waterlogged=true,west=true'
The block placement preview not working with Sodium is a result of a crash mitigation. The hook I use to render that preview can't be injected when Sodium is installed because it completely overwrites the method I am hooking into.
Ah, I see
I can reproduce this now aswell. This error is extremely weird: It is complaining about a file not existing that definetely exists in the jar. I will have to take a deeper look into this.