


Framed blocks not tinted correctly

WenXin20 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Minecraft v1.16.5
Forge v36.1.32
Framed Blocks v2.9.0
Sodium Reforged v2.9.1

Framed blocks are not tinted correctly when sodium is installed, not sure with which mod this needs to be fixed at.
2021-07-05_16 37 36


I looked into it, this is caused by the biome blending feature in Sodium Reforged. A temporary fix would be to set Biome Blend to 0 in the video settings under quality.
I currently don't see how this could be fixed in either mod but maybe @spoorn has an idea.


Ah, thanks! I'll give that a try.


I assume the proposed solution worked.
Due to no feedback from the Sodium Reforged dev, I will close this issue as wontfix.


Yeah, it works, but then biome borders look really bad. But it's most likely on sodium's side.


I would love to fix this because I think that this is a really cool feature but I would need atleast a hint from the Sodium dev where to even start looking for a fix.


This is most likely caused by changes made by Sodium. I currently do not have the time to debug this in dev. I might try to load Sodium in my dev environment when I am done with my exams.
Maybe @spoorn has an idea what might be the cause for this.


Alright, no problem.