


Adding Camo to Frames

TheRealNinjaTTV opened this issue ยท 3 comments



I made a huge airship with framed blocks, is there a way to add camo to a lot of blocks at the same time?


There are two ways to immediately apply camos when placing blocks:

  • Put the camo in the off-hand and then place the framed block (only works for "single" blocks)
  • Place one block, copy it with a Framed Blueprint and place the remaining blocks with the Framed Blueprint

There is currently no way to add camos to a lot of already placed framed blocks at once, mainly because I can't think of a way that is intuitive and not a complete pain to implement.


@XFactHD what about selecting these blocks with some kind of tool, like axe in World Edit. then blocks would be selected, and when you apply camo to one block, it applies to all selected.


In theory that would be an option, yes. In practice this is anything but trivial to implement though and (at least in my opinion) it's also kinda boring to just go "click here, click there, click that, magic happened". I would prefer an approach that takes the annoying aspect out of this while staying interactive and fun (kinda like Create's Schematicannon for example).