


[Feature]: Compatibility with caliber mod + other ideas

TheOneInProof opened this issue ยท 3 comments


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I was wondering if it could be possible to make this mods shapes compatible with the way that the framed blocks work? So any block can basically take the shape of the mods new blocks/shapes to use modded blocks/other blocks with it? I love both of your mods but the caliber mod doesn't have compatibility with a lot of mods due to there being too many blocks added which results in crashing. With the use of framed blocks it could potentially remove that issue and be used in so many builds.

In addition to this:

  • I think it would be awesome to have a vertical stair-slab to use in the corners of builds using slabs.
  • I also think it would be cool if there was a framed trap door for every vanilla wood (if it's possible) and applying a block to the trap door would turn that block into that trap door just with that blocks texture.
  • In the future maybe framed furniture types similar to the framed blocks that can accept different blocks on different parts of the framed block.
    -Framed bell (where you can change the texture of the gold part of village bell to another block)

Looking at the screenshot of Caliber's block picker (assuming that covers a lot of, if not all shapes the mod adds) on CurseForge, a lot of the shapes already exist in FramedBlocks, some are planned and some are completely out of scope for FramedBlocks (mainly anything with a rounded part). Apart from that, this wouldn't really be mod compatibility, this would end up as just adding the same kind of shapes to FramedBlocks and not using Caliber at all since I wouldn't be able to use anything the mod adds.

As for your other suggestions:

  • If you mean something like shown in the screenshot below, then that can be done with the various stair variants by placing adjacent stairs to force them into the required corner shape, then using the Framed Key to lock the shape and then breaking the adjacent stairs again. If that's not what you mean, then please go into more detail and ideally provide an illustration of what you are suggesting.
    2024-10-02_01 38 22
  • I'm not sure what the point of that is. What would the difference be between these trapdoors if they still look like the camo?
  • Furniture blocks are planned but as a separate addon mod and there is currently no timeline for when this is going to happen
  • A Framed Bell could be interesting, I'll keep it in the back of my mind

I completely understand what you're saying about the caliber mod compatibility.
With what you were saying about the rounded parts of the blocks does that make arches like thee ones below completely out of the picture for framed blocks? Would there be a possible way to have a more blocky style of arch instead of the rounded elements?
Another one of the things I liked about this mod was its half window block below. It helps to make windows stick out a bit more in builds.

  • For the request for a corner stair-slab I was actually mistaken as the block I was looking for already existed and it was this below.
  • The difference for the trapdoors is that it will make the trap door a different block using the original texture and still remain as a trap door. For example keeping the way the spruce or oak trap door looks but would be in the texture as this netherbrick bricks. This could be useful for builds where you want the trapdoors to look how they normally do but not in the vanilla wood textures or wood textures at all. The framed trapdoors that are currently in the mod makes the trapdoor resemble the normal block in trapdoor form instead of in the texture of a vanilla trap door, hopefully I explained that correctly.
  • Another thing that I forgot to mention before was if there was a possibility to make framed pyramids that could fit perfectly on top of walls and fences to make them look as if they were spiked.
  • A more blocky style of arches is certainly feasible, though I'm gonna reserve that for a planned addon with a focus on architectural details
  • I'm not sure about these window shapes, I'd have to experiment with those shapes, though they would likely also be a candidate for the architecture addon
  • Yeah, those half stairs have been a thing for quite a while
  • Ah, you are talking specifically about the trapdoor shapes. I have plans for more shapes on both the normal doors as well as trapdoors but I haven't had time to actually implement those yet
  • Those sound like a sensible addition, I'll add them to the planned blocks