


Dynamic tree seeds can't be placed in pots

WenXin20 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft v1.16.5
Forge v36.2.4
Framed Blocks v2.11.0
Dynamic Trees v0.10.0-beta25

Is compat with Dynamic Trees possible? Currently seeds from dynamic trees cannot be placed in framed flower pots. The mod has some sort of system where if a new sapling is added using a tree pack (similar to datapacks), it auto generates a flower pot model for it.


That is unfortunately not possible because they are using a completely custom flower pot block. There is as far as I can see no way for either mod to fix this. I am using the vanilla flower pot to get the data and their custom flower pot completely circumvents that to make the tree packs work.


Ah, I see, thanks for looking into it.