FreeCam by Zergatul

FreeCam by Zergatul


Supported versions: 1.16-1.19 (Forge) and 1.18-1.19 (Fabric)

Use F6 to toggle FreeCam, or change key bind in the settings.

Configuring speed control (since 1.1.0 version).

Enter .freecam in chat to see your current settings

Enter invalid command (for example .freecam 1) to see help

Change maximum speed .freecam speed 100

Change acceleration .freecam acc 100

Change deceleration .freecam slow 0.001

(since 1.2.0 version)

Enable rendering hands in freecam .freecam hands 1

Disable rendering hands in freecam .freecam hands 0

(unfortunately rendering hands functionality conflicts with OptiFine mod, it will not work)

(since 1.3.0 version)

Disable interactions with blocks/entities in freecam .freecam ia 0

Enable interactions with blocks/entities in freecam .freecam ia 1

You may want to disable this if you think this functionality is cheaty and you don't want to use it. In this case freecam mode is closer to spectator mode.

(since 1.4.0 version)

2 new keybindings you can use. They work only in freecam mode. Toggle Cam Control - use WASD keys to move your character, or camera. Toggle Eye Lock - you cannot rotate camera, it is always center on your character eyes. Crosshair and hands are not rendered in eye lock mode or when you control character.

Quick download links:

Forge 1.16.5

Forge 1.17.1

Forge 1.18.2

Forge 1.19

Forge 1.19.2

Fabric 1.18.2

Fabric 1.19

Fabric 1.19.2

This mod functionality is part of bigger mod (Forge only) you can check here: