Fusion (Connected Textures)

Fusion (Connected Textures)


[Bug] ... id guess its a butg or i did forget something

gamingoninsulin opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Version Info

  • Minecraft, 1.20.1
  • Fusion, 1.0.6

Are you using OptiFine: no

Description of the Bug
i am making in a mod for minecraft 1.20.1 that adds connecterd textures but evry time i load my mod with this a mod i the test face is giving me an error

ERROR: Could not find maven.modrinth:fusion-connected-textures:1.0.6-mc1.20.1_mapped_parchment_2023.06.26-1.20.1.
is it because i use parchment mappings ?

Steps to Reproduce
make a blank mod add the parchment mappings 1.20.1 and add your mod

like so:

in the build.gradle

repositories {
  exclusiveContent {
          forRepository {
              maven {
                  name = "Modrinth"
                  url = "https://api.modrinth.com/maven"
          forRepositories(fg.repository) // Only add this if you're using ForgeGradle, otherwise remove this line
          filter {
              includeGroup "maven.modrinth"

dependencies {
   implementation fg.deobf("maven.modrinth:fusion-connected-textures:${fusion_version}-mc${minecraft_version}")


# fusion version

# The Minecraft version must agree with the Forge version to get a valid artifact

help wanted

ps if you need any more information i am happy to help.
i hope hear from you ;)


<3 thanks its working like a charm again ;)


Ah it should be "maven.modrinth:fusion-connected-textures:<fusion-version>-forge-mc<minecraft-version>" (The '-forge-' part specifically). I have also updated the wiki now to include 'forge'/'fabric'.