Fzzy Config

Fzzy Config

Powerful Widgets

Powerful Widgets

All settings are controlled with powerful pre--defined widgets, some inline and some as popups.
Config Screen

Config Screen

A typical config screen. The breadcrumbs at the top track back to the previous config screens opened. The settings list is fully translatable and describable. settings can be searched for at the bottom.
Hotkey Information

Hotkey Information

Fzzy Config works with a variety of common key combinations, such as copy/paste, page up/down, and more. It also supports context menus via right clicking.
Change History

Change History

All tracked changes can be viewed in the Change History button of the Change Manager
Config List Screen

Config List Screen

Mods can add multiple configs under one namespace. All configs in that namespace will be summarized in a "header" screen with buttons leading to each. Configs can have settings that prompt a restart.
Config Command

Config Command

use the /configure command to open any registered config screen, or access them thru ModMenu or Catalogue
Change Manager

Change Manager

All changes are tracked and can be applied, reverted, and more.