The Galactic Mod is a mod in which I have added many different items, blocks, and other things to the game. Many of which alter the game's experience in significant ways.
The mod adds some different "Galaxy Tools" to the game, which can deal damage like normal weapons, but also retain some other special abilities. New items and blocks have also been added to make the game experience either harder, or admittedly - more annoying.
New dimensions have been added as well, although they are not finished and require some extra work. A various amount of different biomes have been introduced, which are also there to add unnecessary difficulty to the game. Below I will list some helpful features, and then follow them up with all of the joke ones (all of which cannot be accessed without Creative Mode).
Vortex Plant Galaxy Sword Galaxy Pickaxe Meteor Obsidian Sword Uranium Sword Galactic Armor Charged Pigs Ender Ghost Ghost Molten Obsidian Ultimate Uranium Sword The Void Dimension
Bedrock Biome
Off Topic Features
/nuke /annihilate /Overlord Charred Pigs A special spawner (spawns in every mob added within this mod). Bedrock Spiders Water pillar structures Random dimensions Mutated Sand Impossible Biome TheDangerZone Biome Inverted Hills Biome
The "Gav" Lake
Joke Features
The "Gav" Dimension Remmy's Foot "Gav TNT" Lava Ocean Structure Rotten Cod Flesh Bedrock Structure
Death Advancement
Strange Bugs
Anything that dies is struck by lightning When a player dies, the weather changes to thunder The game may sometimes strike every single entity and block with lightning, followed by a game crash.
These different features are intended to be a fun alternative to the game. They are in no ways reliable for servers. The user experience may be affected significantly by the biomes in the Overworld, as for they may generate unwanted lag or fail to load properly. Other than that and the lightning bug, this mod will not heavily affect the users experience with the game. I would not recommend this mod as something you would play with all of the time, but instead as something you play with as more of a joke. There are true, genuine items in this mod that can make it great, and there will be more in the future. But for now, this mod should remain only there for singleplayer gameplay.