


DISCLAIMER: This mod requires JRBA Client and JRMCore.


What this mod adds:

  • 13 New armor sets! - Some using the custom armor model of JRBAClient and some just using the default minecraft model.
  • 11 New weapons and tools, 2 of which use custom models!
  • 3 Custom skills! - Explained below.
  • 2 New ores and their respective drops!
  • 9 New purely cosmetic items that serve no other purpose than to be used in custom quests/rewards/etc.

P.S. You can see all this in the 'Images' tab.

The Skills:

Defense: Hold a key (by default H) to defend. While defending, you won't take any damage at the expense of the 'Defense' bar in the left bottom corner of the screen. While defending, you cannot move, and you also cannot move for a short time after it - as a cooldown. It can be configured through commands with the following syntax: /defense add/take/set/addMax/takeMax/setMax [player] <amount>. You can also get information and fill/empty using /defense get/getMax/fill/empty/isDefending [player].

Long Jump: Tap spacebar twice to jump for a longer distance than that which you usually would be able to.

Instinct: Hold a key (by default J) to activate using the ability. While pressed, you have a chance to trigger the following when hit by an enemy - you will teleport to a random place close by and be put into invisibility for a short time. On the place where you previously were standing, a clone of your player character will appear, and the enemy that was previously targeting you will target them instead. This will last a few seconds before the clone disappears and the invisibility falls off. The chance of triggering this when you hold down the button is configured through the following command: /instinct add/take [player]. You can also view information about players using /instinct get/isActivated [player].

Planned Features

It is unlikely that this mod will receive any future content updates, however this does not include bugfixes - I will still try to the best of my ability to fix any bugs and crashes that might occur, so don't think this mod is unmaintained.


Q: When port to version x.x.x?

A: If you want to do it, go ahead, just credit me as the creator of the original.

Q: Modpacks?

A: Of course! No need to ask.


Q: There is a crash! / This mod doesn't work with X! / I found a bug!

A: You can always report it on the issue tracker and I'll try and take a look.

Discord: Click!