GC's Crystals

GC's Crystals


A simple mod that adds new crystals, similar to quartz with decorative & functional purposes

Picture of all content from this mod.Here is the list of new blocks/items.

     - Crystal Ore (Block) Variations: Stone, Endstone

Generates in average groups of 12 at y 5-45, mined with iron, gold or diamond pickaxe, it will give 4 crystals once broken.

     - Crystal Block (Block)

Similar to other resource blocks, mostly for storing large amounts of crystals.

     - Crystal Bricks (Block) Variations: Blocks, Stairs, Slabs, Walls

Can be crafted with a 2x2 of crystals to get one, rest of blocks you have to use stonecutter to make.

     - Holy Well (Block)

If right-clicked with a crystal in hand, one can change the weather for the price of a single crystal (pretty cheap honestly).

     - Crystal (Item)

The Resource this mod is based around, can be made into other things.

     - Telescope (Item)

Makes you unable to move but zooms your vision in. A bit buggy.

     - Healing Wand (Item)

Has 8 durability, right-click on block to give healing. Crafted with a stick and two crystal blocks.

That's all in this mod. Hope you like it.