




GeckoLib is an animation engine for Minecraft Mods, with support for complex 3D keyframe-based animations, 30+ easings, concurrent animation support, sound and particle keyframes, event keyframes, and more. Available for Forge 1.12/1.15/1.16/1.17/1.18/1.19, Fabric 1.16/1.17/1.18/1.19, and Quilt 1.18/1.19.

You can view installation instructions for modders here.

For non-modders, just download the mod and put it in your mods folder like normal. You can also click the following images for a list of versions for each mod loader.


GeckoLib provides detailed documentation in the form of a wiki. We spent many hours writing the wiki, so please read it!

If you have questions or need help getting up and running with questions, join our discord!

Pull requests are welcome. For significant changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

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