How to disable animation transitions
LearnMC opened this issue · 3 comments
Hello, we like Geckolib very much, it's very convenient and easy to use, but we've recently had some problems with animated transitions. Even if the transitionLength is set to 0, there is still an animated transition, it is short, and make the animation twitch. We've adjusted the articulation between animations in Blockbench. Is there a way to turn off animation transitions completely?
I wrote the code below:
RawAnimation.begin().then("model.opening", Animation.LoopType.PLAY_ONCE).thenLoop("model.opened")
public void registerControllers(AnimatableManager.ControllerRegistrar controllers) {
controllers.add((new AnimationController<>(this,jud())).transitionLength(0));
I have two animations, which are: “model.opening” and "model.opened". The "model.opened" animation is a rotation that plays in a loop, but the "model.opened" animation to "model.opened" automatically transitions, rotating a little earlier and then starting from 0 to spin, so that there is a visual twitch.