This mod will allow you to add part or all of the generation to the stages from the Game Stages mod. This means if you want the jungle to spawn after the opening of stage one, then you will easily do it, or you do not want trees to appear until the player has stage two, it is also possible to do this.
In fact, the mod sets limits for all players, but if at least one player has a stage, then the generation will come from him, and not from the one who generates chunks. and because of this, it is not recommended to put this mod on the server of any projects where more than 20 players play, because there is no sense from it.
Do you need Game Stages and CraftTweaker mods
At the moment, the mod is able to work with:
- Biomes
- Features
- Strucutres
import mods.generationstages.generationstages;
generationstages.addFeatureStages("test", <resource:minecraft:tree>);
generationstages.addFeatureStages("test2", <resource:minecraft:lake>);
generationstages.addFeatureStages("test3", <resource:minecraft:flower>);
generationstages.addBiomeStages("mytest", <resource:minecraft:jungle>);
import mods.generationstages.vanilla.SupportMethods;
Use the /ct dumps biomes command
SupportMethods.getBiomes() as List<ResourceLocation>
SupportMethods.getBiome(ResourceLocation biome) as Biome
Will get a list of all Feature
SupportMethods.getFeatures() as List<ResourceLocation>
For more information, take a look at the page