Genshin Weapons

Genshin Weapons


This project has stopped development because it has been merged with the mod Genshin Nature. If you want to experience this mod, please download Genshin Nature.

Have any suggestion? Want to report a bug? We have a Discord server! You can join and ask anything you want!


This is an official sidemod for Genshin Nature! Click here to download it.

This sidemod aims to add the weapons you can get in Genshin Impact. The weapons you can obtain are more powerful than the ones added in Vanilla Minecraft, and because of that, they're kind of harder to obtain.

When any entity dies, there's a 10% chance a mora gets dropped. You can use these moras in shops you can find around the world. These shops are only found above stone blocks, so mountainous biomes are good for finding these shops. You can also craft the shop itself if you think it's hard to find.

You use these moras to buy weapons from the mod.

For now, there aren't ascensions or side effects, but we're planning on adding them.


Mihoyo - creator of Genshin Impact

fapdos - director of the mod.

Derec - programmer of the mod.

Rekfy - modeller. Made the model of the weapons