Geo Craft

Geo Craft

Natural slate

Natural slate

Slate is generated in mountains
Geode treatment

Geode treatment

after left click with geode hammer , geoed open himself and allows the player to recover scories, quartz or amethyst
geode sublimer after sublimation

geode sublimer after sublimation

after left click geode is sublimed with the sublimer
Natural obsidian

Natural obsidian

with geocraft obsidian is naturally generated
geode sublimer

geode sublimer

Geode sublimer can create vanilla minerals with geodes
Titanium and amethyst armor

Titanium and amethyst armor

Slate and variations

Slate and variations

Slate can be darkened using furnace and transformed into bricks with stonecutter
Titanium stuff

Titanium stuff

After getting titanium ingot with smelting of blasted ilmenite , player can create stuff with titanium ingot
Titanium , Amethyst and Scories

Titanium , Amethyst and Scories

Titanium (mineral) Amethyst (geode product) Scories (geode product)