Help Me to translate the Mod!
Note You need to install Paragon and Fabric's Biome Api Reforged
∎ Prismarine Geode
∎ Can be find in Deep Ocean Biomes
∎ Echo Geode
∎ Can be find in Deep Dark Biome
∎ Nether Ancient Debris Geode
∎ Can be find in Nether Biome
∎ Nether Gold Nugget Geode
∎ Can be find in Nether Biome
∎ Nether Glowstone Geode
∎ Can be find in Nether Biome
∎ Nether Quartz Geode
∎ Can be find in Nether Biome
∎ Wrappist Geode
∎ Can be find in End Dimension
∎ Wrappist Pedestal
∎ A block that is better than Item Frame!
📝 FAQs
Q.1.19.2 or above?
A. Here
Q. Can I use this mod in a Modpack or Video?
A. Yes! Feel free to feature Geode+ in your Modpack or Video.
Q. Where do I report issues?
A. Pls report issues at GitHub or join my Discord Server
Q. More Questions?
A. Join my Discord Server
Wanna play my other Geode mods?