Ghost's Simplicity

Ghost's Simplicity


a bunch of stuff

This mod adds a lot of small things which are supposed to fit in with the vanilla game.

1 biome;
1 tree;
11 flowers;
A lot of slight recipe tweaks;
13 gamerules;
25 new tools/armor;
10 cooked foods/meals;
2 special items;
The ability to bonemeal small flowers to grow more of the same kind.

The ability of each vanilla mob which can grief the world, to grief the world, seperated into their own gamerules;
Farmland trampling;
Disable end portal;
Several gamerules concerning armor/item drop of mobs on death (raw material/all tridents/all items);
A gamerule to turn all villagers into nitwits to disable trading.

The black cherry woodset

A new woordset (excluding boats and signs)!
A new dark gradient to build with, in the form of a cherry tree variant.

All added flowers

New flowers for all 7 colors which didn't have flowers yet, scattered troughout the world.

All added equipment

New tools!
A new tool for every occasion, without adding new type of tools are new ores. They are not meant to replace current tools, but to have some more stages inbetween. Some also come with interesting quirks meant for specific playstyles.
New armor!
hide away in the armadillo chestplate (sneak to roll up), or go 60% faster with the crying armor set (15% per piece).

All added items and specials

Sturdy Chains can be used to craft and repair chainmail armor. Obtained by smelting chainmail (or defeating a mob wearing chainmail with ArmorDropRaw gamerule).
Craft the Crying Alloy (4 Sturdy Chians, 4 Amethyst, 1 cying obsidian) to upgrade your diamond gear into a different playstyle.
The ArmorDropRaw gamerule also adds rough diamonds, which is obtainable by defeating a mob with diamond armor, as to not make it too overpowered. Cut it into a Big Diamond Shard with a stonecutter, of which you need 2 to make a diamond.

New strange cooked foods.
Purely meant to make exploring more do-able early game, for both in the caves and in the nether. Most foods have negative side effects, as to still prioritize getting a good food source. The only 2 good foods this mod adds are the cooked glowberries and the mushroom salad.

The Fireplace: place it on top of your campfire to never loose hunger when below 8 hunger bars near it.

The Pocket Mirror: use this item to put non-armor items on your or a mobs head. Purely for cosmetic purposes, you cannot remove or put on a helmet with this item.

Recipe changes:
Blasting: all smeltable blocks are now also blastable. Can also blast raw ore blocks.
Saddle: 4 leather, 2 string, 2 iron.
Lodestone: 8 stone bricks(of any shape) and 1 iron. (similar to 1.21.5 recipe).
Hopper: crafts 4 instead of 1.
Smelting: smelt armor for full ingots or rough diamonds.
Stone: a lot more stones can be used where previously only some stones could be used.
Armor trims: instead of needing 7 diamonds and 1 special block to dupe a trim, now you need 7 of said block and 1 diamond. Excludes the 2 trial trims.

Feel free to comment bugs and suggestions.

Feel free to port this mod over to another site/app/modloader/version.

Feel free to put it in a modpack.

Next up: reworking brushing loot.