Giacomo's Bookshelf

Giacomo's Bookshelf


This mod add a new block Giacomo’s Bookshelf that works as a storage for books, maps and paper and as a source of power for enchantment table (see images for more details).

When crafted it's empty and you can put items in it. There are 9 versions of bookshelves based on the type of wood used for crafting.

Giacomo’s bookshelves can be broken fairly easily by hand, but can be broken faster by using an axe. In either case, they will drop all item stored.

When harvested with an item that is enchanted with silk touch, it will drop itself as a normal bookshelf and will keep its items, which can be retrieved when placed again.

When holding a bookshelf with items inside, the items will be listed as properties.

Bookshelves give power to enchanting table, but if you use less than 3 books per bookshelf the power is reduced. And if you use more than 3 books the power is incremented.

You need 45 books to craft 15 normal bookshelves and they give 30 lvl of enchantment power. You can achieve this result with a single giacomos bookshelf putting 45 books in it.

Bookshelves in action!