


The Gilding Mod

By SammyTheCookie

This mod allows you to melt gold in a cauldron and use it to increase the level of the tools enchantments past their default limits.

How to use:

1. Place a cauldron on top of a heat source (lava, fire, soul fire, campfire, soul campfire, magma)

2. Place a gold block on top of the cauldron. It will disappear and the cauldron will contain molten gold.

3. Click the cauldron with the enchanted item you wish to gild.

4. All of the enchantments on that item will have their level increased by 1. The Gilded enchantment will also be added to that item.

5. The item can be gilded again however this will cause the Gilded enchantment to also go up by 1.

6. Once an item has Gilded III on it, it will not be able to be gilded again.

This allows you to increase your enchantments to be up to 3 levels greater than default allows.

If you break the heat source below the cauldron containing gold it will return the gold block above the cauldron.

If you break the cauldron containing gold, it will drop the cauldron and leave behind the gold block in its place.

Only vanilla enchantments are supported by the mod.